Interested in Joining?

Comma Life Massage Therapists


The Beta Franchise is now open!

Click join list and fill in the form to learn more.


Our Mission is to save Registered Massage Therapists years of frustration trying to figure out how to improve their financial situation by creating a life-changing way to practice where they live so they can save time and increase their income. RMT’s often do not realize how much money they will spend on total rent if they are paying to rent accommodations to live in and separate rent to practice out of someone else’s clinic space. Plus the amount of time driving to the clinic. You will “spend” over 1 million dollars in the average 20 year career!

Comma Life RMTs guide clients on their healing journey through non-invasive treatments and wellness programs. Set in a clean, modern, relaxing environment inspired by nature, they sink into a time of inner peace to treat injuries, release stress, and promote self-healing. 

By joining the CLW Beta Franchise opportunity, you will be welcomed by a professional support team that will set up all of your marketing and be there for your administration needs. PLUS the Practice Management Program is a wholistic coaching program that will ask you the right questions to help you get clarity and find success in your work-life practice.

Locations are now available throughout British Columbia.

We look forward to adding Wellness to your world!

Please join us for Nourish - our first stress management retreat October 21-23, 2022 at Sparkling Hill, Vernon, British Columbia. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram